Welcome to my site

Hello world, welcome to my personal website! My name is Christopher Wong (She/They). I am from Malaysia born in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I am currently doing my PhD in the University of Canberra, Australia.

Previously, I have obtained a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engeering from the Iowa State University in 2018. After graduating, I worked in Singapore as an Engineer. Shortly after that, I began my Master in Business Informatics journey with University of Canberra, Australia and have completed in 2024.

I have always been passionate about technology and programming. In my free time I like to work on my personal coding project mostly in Ptyhon, but I am open to almost many programming languages. In this site, it is mainly developed in ReactJS using Typescript.

I also love learning new stuff and listening to audiobooks. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my website, you may reach me in one of the medium below!
